Wednesday, April 19, 2006


So, there's another Gospel. There's actually nothing wrong with this news, what's really surprising is the fact that the "good news" actually comes from the mouth of the greatest villain this world has ever known -- Judas Iscariot.

Yes, that guy who kissed Jesus Christ and sold him out for a bag full of silver. The same guy whose name connotes the Jewish people, and from whom Anti-Semitism (hatred of Jews) stemmed out. Judas is also a name synonymous to "evil", hence greatly demeaning anyone who gets on a jeepney, and does not pay (HUDAS NOT PAY). According to NatGeo, in Germany, it is prohibited and unlawful to even name a child "Judas". For those who read Inferno, Judas was eaten by Satan himself, thus establishing a much celebrated diabolical image of the apostle.

Now, what's the deal with this new gospel? Ala lang, it just goes to show the early history of Christianity -- that back then, centuries before the official recognition of Christianity as a formal religion by Constantine, there were a lot of sects and forms of this religion. A lot of Gospels were in existence too, including the recent one by Judas and the lesser-known by Thomas. Its just that the religion underwent a lot of "facelifts" throughout the centuries, and the core/essence of it seemed to wither just like any civilization. Judas may not be that evil guy we were accustomed with, but he definitely loved Jesus and respected him. People cannot (or wouldn't) just accept it because its pretty weird and it shows a different relationship between the "Messiah" and Judas Iscariot.

The bottomline: there isn't really anything shocking about this find. It's understandable, I bet they're going to find a lot more gospels to add up to this toll. Maybe it's about time that the Catholic Church starts admitting, answering and recognizing all those controversy surrounding them. But then again, if they do this, we'll see the demise and fall of this institution. But what the heck, the truth will set us all free. It's very mature though that after the release of this Gospel, they only regarded this as just one-of-your-extraordinary-stories of Jesus Christ.

The implications and repercussions though, of the Judas stigma, cannot just be erased from History. It resulted to a slaughter of millions of people, pointless religious and non-religious wars and unending terrorism. However, it is not too late, we can still change the world.

Im thinking of scrutinizing the Catholic church again, but I simply do not have time. And that's a whole different story.

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